You are here: 1. Distribution System > 1.6. KITTING Menu: Micronet Kitting System > 1.6.5. Kitting - Trial Kitting > Selecting the Items for Trial Kitting

Selecting the Items for Trial Kitting

To select the items for Trial Kitting:

  1. Display the Trial Kitting screen for the required warehouse.

Refer to "Kitting - Trial Kitting".

  1. Select the Add button.

Micronet displays the Enter Works Order Item screen.

  1. Complete the following fields:





Item Number

Enter the number of the kit item you want to trial. The item must belong to a manufactured category.

You can also press Tab or Enter to select an item.


Item Description

Micronet displays the description of the selected item.



Micronet displays the warehouse entered on the Trial Kitting screen.



Micronet displays the item cost.



Micronet displays the maximum number of the kit item that can be made based on the available raw materials.

If required, change this to the number of kitted items that you actually want to make.



Micronet displays the kit level of each component item that makes up the manufactured item. For more information about kit levels, refer to "Editing Multiple Level Manufactured Kits".



Micronet displays the item number of each component item.



Micronet displays the description of each component item.



Micronet displays the quantity of each component item required to make one parent kitted item.


Expanded Qty

Micronet displays the quantity of each component item required to make the quantity Ordered.


Free Stock

Micronet displays the available quantity of each component item.

  1. Optionally, you can perform any of the following edits or actions on the Enter Works Order Item screen if required:
  1. When you have viewed the Max Manufacture for the kit item and/or entered the quantity Ordered, select the Accept button.

If you selected to add an item, Micronet saves the item details you have entered and redisplays the Enter Works Order Item screen so you can add other items for Trial Kitting.

  1. When you have finished adding items for Trial Kitting, select the Cancel button to close the Enter Works Order Item screen.

Micronet redisplays the Trial Kitting screen showing all the items for Trial Kitting.

  1. If you want to:

If you selected to insert or edit an item, Micronet displays the Enter Works Order Item screen.

  1. To create works orders for the items and quantities displayed, refer to the next section "Creating a Works Order from Trial Kitting".